St. Michael's, A North American Lutheran Church Congregation
Biblical, Traditional, Caring, Family
NALC, LCMC, & Lutheran CORE.
April 6, 2025 10:15 a.m.
Communion Worship
Inside, Phone, Facebook & Parking
Established in 1766, St. Michael's Church, 529 St Michaels Road, Hamburg, PA, has been proclaiming the love of God for almost 250 years! Come and see for yourself the love of God within this community!
We are a community of faith which has been proclaiming God's love to the area since 1766. We are a traditional worshipping community with a very contemporary message for 21st century Christians.
We seek to grow in faith in our Lord Jesus Christ as His disciples.
Sunday Worship
September through May
Sunday mornings 10:15 AM
June through August
Sunday mornings 9:00 AM
Christian Education
Christians are continually learning to be a pastor to their neighbor. Therefore, it is our intention to teach about Jesus Christ and His saving Grace.
Students are nurtured in faith, grow in knowledge, and empowered to live as disciples of Jesus Christ. Classes are Sunday mornings for toddlers through Senior High. Currently there are classes for Nursery, Preschool, 1&2, 3&4, 5&6, 1st & 2nd Yr. Catechetical, and High School. Sunday School is September through May - 9:00a.m.-10:00 a.m. Two adult classes are held year round.
We learn how to serve others and share the love of God.
Senior Choir rehearses Wednesdays at 7 p.m. and performs Sundays September through May. Our children from Sunday School sing the second Sunday September through May.
The St. Michaelaire's perform four times a year. Members play a keyboard, bass, steel and acoustic guitars, accordian, flute, and drums.
The Bell Choir preforms to the Glory of God four times a year.
The Women of St. Michael's meet monthly. There is always something to learn at our meetings. The women provide Valentine bags, and other gifts for our shut-ins. Our Bazaar is held the second Friday and Saturday of November. The proceeds go to numerous community ministries.
Call Dorothy Mclaughlin
(610) 562-8886 with questions.